About me

I’m a last-year Ph.D. student in MIT, EECS Department, where I’m very fortunately advised by Srini Devadas. Previously, I earned my M.S. degree in Computer Science from MIT in 2019 and my B.S. degree in Mathematics from Tsinghua University in 2017. You can find my CV here (last update Apr 6, 2024).

I’m on the job market of Fall 2024!

I am broadly interested in information security, privacy and robust statistics. I endeavor to establish theory and tools for provable, interpretable and usable security and privacy exploiting statistical, information-theoretical and cryptographic methods. In particular, I focus on

  1. semantic and rigorous measures which are accessible to a general audience with board expressibility of security and privacy concerns;
  2. end-to-end automatic privacy proof and privacy-preserving technology (CRYPTO 2023) that accommodates cutting-edge advancements in data science and machine learning (ICML 2020, PODS 2022, CCS 2024);
  3. fundamental relationship between security & privacy, the minimal utility/efficiency overhead (CCS 2023, IEEE S&P 2023) and (Byzantine/Adversarial) robustness (SODA 2024) for simultaneous algorithm improvement.

My earlier works encompass a range of related topics including Byzantine consensus (TCC 2020a, TCC 2020b), and proof of work (TCC 2017) in applied cryptography, and constrained sampling theory in signal processing (IEEE-TSP 2023a, IEEE-TSP 2023b).

I was a recipient of Mathwork Fellowship (2021-2023) and Tsinghua Future Scholar Fellowship (2015-2017) . My research has also been supported and funded by DSTA, Singapore, Captical One and Cisco.